Episode 1: A love bomb

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Episode synopsis
During this episode, the contestants must bring in the greatest orange thing, knock the bails off some wickets from as far away as possible, do the most unpredictable thing, be the most British, and correctly don some surgical gear while keeping a balloon aloft.
Title context
While trying to argue that her rugby tackle against Paul during the 'Do the most unpredictable thing' task wasn't an attack on him, Bubbah described it as "a love bomb".
Taskmaster Intro
Kia ora koutou, and welcome to season four of Taskmaster New Zealand. My name is Jeremy Wells, and my face has featured throughout all promotional materials and set dressing for this show to an almost humiliating degree, and that is because I am the Taskmaster. Over the next 10 episodes, we'll watch as five comedians from across the talent spectrum go head-to-head to win a once-in-a-lifetime prize: this solid gold statue of my head, valued at over $40 million... Zimbabwean. In the running for this enticing prize is our beguiling season four cast.
Note: 'Kia ora koutou' is Māori for 'Hello everyone'.
Assistant Intro
As always, sitting by my side and waiting patiently for his next command is my loyal human pet, Paul Williams!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
We learned that Mel Bracewell crawls around on the ground like a cat, even when nobody asked her to. We learned that the New Zealand version of Taskmaster will probably never air in Britain. But most importantly, we learned that Mel is the winner of episode one!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Episode stats

Points Awarded
