
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Build a tower out of packaging

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Build the tallest tower of packaging.

You may only use packaging where all the contents have been eaten.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Amir removes the bags of food out of most of the cardboard packages, claiming that they are separate packages holding the food, and that he can therefore use the outer packaging to build his tower. Despite the resulting, quite tall tower not counting, he did actually eat all of the raisins in two small boxes which form part of it, so he is given a total tower height of 5 centimetres, earning him last place.
  • Steinar decides that he needs to start eating as quickly as possible, so he works through the tube of Pringles and the bottle of pasta sauce first. He also drinks the entire contents of a carton of some kind of drink, and a can of pineapples (from which he also has to drink the water). He also eats a tin of asparagus, and drinks all of the water inside that. Finally, he eats the contents of a small box of raisins, before reaching his limit. The tower he has built from the empties packaging measures 77 centimetres, which earns him fourth place. Everyone agrees that this feels unfair, given what he’d put himself through.
  • Ida realises she doesn’t actually need to use the packaging they’ve been given in the lab, and so heads outside to search the recycling bins for some already empty packaging, instead. She finds some in the house’s own bins, and then also steals some from the neighbours’. Using her pre-emptied packaging, she builds a tower measuring 108 centimetres, and earns third place.
  • Solveig realises that she can use packaging other than that provided in the lab, so she heads outside to find something else, and finds a large blue barrel. She returns to the lab with the barrel, and then starts eating the contents of some of the provided packaging to supplement her tower. She also recruits Olli to help her out with the eating process. She puts the barrel on the table, and then uses tape to stretch her packaging tower up to the ceiling of the lab. In the studio, it is revealed that the barrel she used had actually previously contained animal intestines that were used to make sausages, so the barrel is counted as valid food packaging. With a tower measuring 162 centimetres, she earns second place.
  • Einar gets Olli to eat some of the food for him, while he attaches sections of the After Eights packaging to a long strip of tape. He then fastens the tape between an upstairs windowsill and a table outside the house. This somehow qualifies as a valid tower, with a height of 505 centimetres, and so he earns first place.

(Source credit: Will G)