
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!


Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Olli will soon start counting to 100, and you have to hide.

You may not change your hiding place.

Your time starts when Olli shouts 'Ready or not, here I come'.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Steinar hides under a sheet of plywood, at the side of the house. He suspects that the task is a trick quite early on, and so soon leaves his hiding spot and peeks around the corner of the house, to find Olli lounging in his chair. He earns last place for giving up after just 2 minutes and 24 seconds.
  • Amir secludes himself in the corner of the basement in the house, which he points out is a very nice room. However, he starts getting bored in the room on his own, and so starts playing around with his camera, to kill time. He eventually returns to Olli, stating that if someone else beats him after how long he had waited, he’d be very annoyed. He reveals that he has also drawn a picture of Olli, while hiding. Having spent 2 hours and 6 minutes hiding in the basement, he earns first place.
  • Einar hides in a hedge, quite close to Olli’s chair, and it starts raining while he is hiding. He complains to his camera that being very good at hiding means that it takes a long time to be found. He eventually announces to Olli that he’s coming out from his hiding spot, seemingly unaware of the deception in the task. He calmly walks back to the house after 32 minutes, earning third place.
  • Solveig really commits to the task by hiding in a compost heap. While hiding, she has her suspicions that she has been tricked, and quietly coins the episode title “now I’m being fooled again”, while lying amongst rotten potatoes. However, she also notes that she is very stubborn, and will stay waiting in the pile of vegetation until she is found. She also discovers that she may be allergic to hay and grass. Restating that she knows she’s being fooled, she eventually acknowledges that hiding in the compost heap was a silly idea. She resists revealing herself for 1 hour and 36 minutes, earning second place.
  • Ida runs down the road into the neighbourhood, to hide between a wall and a trailer. She eventually starts getting cramp in her legs, needs to pee, and wants to be found. After a while longer, she leaves her hiding spot and returns to the house, demanding to read the task brief again. She reveals herself after 17 minutes, and earns fourth place.

(Source credit: Will G)