
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the best toilet paper celebrity portrait

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make a portrait of a famous person using toilet paper.

There's a camera above you.

You will use the black mat under your feet as a canvas.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After sourcing input from the audience, Ivan guesses that Ante's picture is of Johnny Depp. A few audience members had actually guessed that Ante's portrait was of the best-selling recording artist in all of Croatia, Mate “Miso” Kovac. He earns two points.
  • Ivan correctly guesses that Lidija did a toilet paper recreation of one of the portraits of himself found in the house. She earns four points.
  • Enio argues that nothing is more famous than the smiley face. Ana points out (to Ivan's agreement) that the smiley face may be famous, but it's not a famous person. He earns one point.
  • Ivan guesses that Ana's picture is either Bob Marley or Bob Ross. She says that she didn't want to offend anyone, so she did a picture of herself. She earns three points.
  • As he says just after creating it, Igor's picture is of Michael Jackson during surgery. He earns five points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)