
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Declare your love for the Taskmaster

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Express your love for the Director of the Universe in the most original way.

You have 30 minutes to express your love.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Ante decides to write a sonnet for Ivan. At some point, this idea morphs into a hip hop song, and Ante shoots a music video for Ivan (the original lyrics rhyme in Croatian). He ties for second place with Igor and Lidija. The translated lyrics for his rap are as follows: "Luka and Travizi are in the house / Director Svemira, you do not give me peace / Our choice is cold, we return to the spire / When I hang out with you, I want to blush all night / I don't know how to live without you, but I'm not ashamed of it / I can't wait to see you / I can't wait to see you / I can't wait to see you".
  • Igor decides that love cannot be declared without romance, so he lights several tea candles and pours two glasses of wine. He then toasts a picture of Ivan, saying that he always had feelings for Ivan, that he considers Ivan to be not just the Director, but the Master of the Universe ('Direktor Svemira' translates to 'Director of the Universe'), and that his love for Ivan is immeasurable. He ties for second place with Ante and Lidija.
  • Enio ad-libs a speech immediately after reading the task. During his declaration of love to Ivan, Enio offers the deed to half of his fully-furnished two-storey house, complete with an olive grove. In the studio, Enio rushes Ivan and kisses him on the lips, then signs the actual deed to his house. Ivan declares that scoring Enio highly will set a precedent for future seasons – that other contestants will worry that they need to deliver at such a high level. Enio is therefore awarded last place in the task, but earns four bonus points 'from Ivan's heart'.
  • Lidija writes and sings a short song for Ivan, which ends with her holding a piece of paper onto which she's drawn several hearts and signed her name. She presents that paper (now nicely framed) to Ivan in the studio. She ties for second place with Igor and Ante. The translated lyrics to her song are as follows: "Where have you been hiding so far / I know, you enjoyed somewhere / Whenever you come, you are welcome / Because we were made for each other".
  • Ana makes a shrine to Ivan in the house. She worries that it looks like it's a shrine to honour him after his death. She finishes her shrine by placing her iPhone next to it and has it play I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston as she lip-syncs. She wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)