Create a 90-second one-shot film

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Create a 90-second long, one-shot film.
All of you must appear in it.
One of you must hold the camera at all times.
Your film must include three speaking characters, an impressive stunt, and credits.
You have 30 minutes to prepare, and one take to shoot your film.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!
- Angella and Leight created a film about Leafblower Man (Leigh) rescuing Angella from Paul, with Angella accidentally stopping the recording during the film. They received 3 points each.
- Brynley, Guy and Madeleine created a film about Jane Bond (Madeleine) stopping The Governess (Brynley) who had been drugging children with popcorn, with Guy being Jane's colleague on the phone, randomly shouting the word 'Queer' when she answered the phone. They received 3 points each.
(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)