
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anne hosts a property reality show

When Anne enters the study, she asks if the chess board is made from sugar. Tom says it is not, but she licks one of the white squares anyway and says it is. She then licks one of the brown squares and says it’s made from cocoa.

Anne suggests that she might just lick the sugar for 45 minutes, and then get taken to the hospital. She takes a few more licks of the sugar, muttering “nom nom nom” in between licks.

Anne’s actual attempt at the task is a chess-based parody of property reality shows. Anne plays the host of the show ‘Make Your Move’, in which she is helping Tom, who is playing a pawn who’s been stuck in the same square for 10 years. With Anne’s encouragement, Tom takes his first step outside of his square, which he describes as “liberating”.

In the next scene of the show, Tom in standing in a different square, marked on the ground down by the lake. Anne describes the lake as “a beautiful moat” which provides “a castle feeling”. Tom gets very angry at this, since he doesn’t like castles (referring to the rook piece, in chess). Anne tells him to calm down and then, as an aside to the camera, notes that she’s getting really sick of him.

The pair then relocate to the “end of the board”, where Anne invites Tom to step into another square, where he’ll undergo a transformation. When he does so, he turns into a knight chess piece.

While Anne addresses the camera directly, wrapping up the show, Tom moves around behind her as a knight chess piece would (two steps forward, and then one to the side).

In the studio, Tom Gleeson says that when he thinks of cool, he thinks of Steve McQueen (noting that this is an old reference for Wil’s benefit), not property shows.

Tom ultimately awards Anne 3 points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores