
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tobias embraces Danish tradition

When introducing the footage of Tobias’ attempt, Mark says that Tobias intends to introduce Kustaa to the “proud Danish tradition” of “if you’ve said no to a beer, then you’ve really said yes.”

Tobias is of the opinion that a pleasant conversation does not actually require the two people to speak the same language. He gathers several bottles of alcoholic beverages, and informs Mark of the two commonalities between Danes and Finns: “not very sociable, plus alcohol.”

Tobias enters the lab carrying a bottle of alcohol, two glasses, and a twelve pack of beer.

The two men introduce themselves, but Tobias neglects to elongate the vowels at the end of Kustaa’s name (vowel length is very important in Finnish!) and spends the entire conversation calling Kustaa “Kusta”, which means ‘piss’.

Tobias offers Kustaa a beer, and then briefly panics when Kustaa turns it down. Embracing the aforementioned Danish tradition, Tobias proceeds to shove a beer into Kustaa’s hand before wrapping his arm around Kustaa’s, and the two men then awkwardly drink with their arms interlocked. Tobias then repeats this strategy with a glass of hard liquor.

For some reason, he then then decides to remove his shoes and socks, pointing out a hole in one of his socks before gesturing to Kustaa. Kustaa responds that he doesn’t think he has any (presumably referring to holes in his own socks), but kicks off his shoes and socks as well.

Tobias then puts on one of Kustaa’s socks, but when Kustaa declines to reciprocate by donning one of Tobias’ socks, he returns it. Tobias then puts his shoes back on, grumbles that Kustaa is “a bit reserved”, and leaves the lab.

In the studio, Tobias offers an explanation for his shoe and sock behaviour: whenever he is having fun, he takes off his shoes.

Lasse awards Tobias’ “awkward, bordering on uncomfortable” conversation last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores