Pirjo takes a mental health test
Pirjo looks around the room and starts laughing in disbelief, commenting that the show has suddenly turned into a mental health services’ test.
She frantically tears the task envelopes open without removing them from the wall, which ultimately saves her time.
Eventually, she comes across one written in English, which she reads aloud in its entirety, and then giggles at the presence of a task written in a foreign language. She then asks Pilvi if she is meant to be “compiling” the rejected tasks into something, but doesn’t elaborate on her thought process any further.
As she stands on a chair to reach some of the higher-up task envelopes, she wonders if the task is based on wordplay of making people climb the walls (as in, to literally reach the task, but also ‘climbing the walls’ is an idiom for someone being frustrated).
After reading another task brief written in Spanish, Pirjo eventually realises that she doesn’t need to read them out loud every time, and so she instead starts just checking each task envelope in silence.
When she does finally find the real task brief, Pirjo blows, but fails to whistle, and then laughs in embarrassment, taking off her glasses as she does so. She then rallies and tries again, managing an awkward whistle. Pilvi – who has already stopped the clock – instructs Pirjo to whistle again and, despite Pirjo’s insistence that the task brief doesn’t say that she has to do it, she complies anyway.
In the studio, Jaakko admits his fascination with Pirjo’s actions concerning her glasses, and wonders if perhaps wearing glasses prohibits people from whistling. Pirjo has her glasses with her in the studio, so Jaakko asks her to put them on. She does so, and is once again unable to whistle.
Pirjo whistles in 2 minutes and 50 seconds, and earns second place.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)