
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lloyd collects toys for his daughter

Lloyd removes a sock from the balcony and tips out its contents. When a small toy falls out, he asks if he can keep it for his daughter, and Tom Cashman agrees that he can.

Lloyd then removes another sock from the balco-ny, and also asks if he can keep the toy that’s inside that one. When he finds a toy aeroplane inside the next sock, he says that he’s not going to ask anymore, as he pockets it.

Lloyd then notices that one of the socks on the balcony has three stripes around the ankle, rather than two. He sits on the fibreglass giraffe and asks Tom if he can lift him up on it, which Tom cannot. Lloyd manages to remove the three-striped sock from the balcony, and discovers a toy car inside of it.

He then turns around and spots that Tom is wearing one red sock, so he removes Tom’s shoe and sock and finds the minivan inside.

As Tom blows the whistle, Lloyd hurls the minivan across the grass. When Tom asks if it was the minivan, Lloyds says that he hopes so, as he will never find it again now.

In the studio, Tom Gleeson points out that Lloyd had spotted the three-striped sock, and questions whether he’d thought about looking for another three-striped sock to complete the pair. Lloyd responds that he was just caught up in the giddiness of finding new toys for his daughter. He also states that he had thought about where other socks could be, and knew that he hadn’t put a minivan in his own sock, that day.

Lloyd finds the minivan after removing six socks from the balcony, and earns 2 points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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