
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pirjo gains a new obsession

Pirjo starts to run towards the shed, but then stops herself. She stares up at the pole and wonders out loud if she can devise a way to remove the entire plate of eggs at once, before remembering that she must keep one foot on the ground at all times.

She quickly decides on her course of action: she will measure the height of the pole (somehow), and then create a cushioned area on the ground at a distance that corresponds to the pole’s height, before toppling all of the eggs at once.

Pirjo gathers whatever soft things she can find in the shed – including a tarp and the lion costume – and spreads them out on the ground, before setting up a step-ladder next to the pole, for some reason.

As she finalises her preparations, however, Pirjo accidentally shakes the pole, and sends several eggs crashing down to the ground, breaking apart on impact with the table.

Pirjo suddenly becomes a woman obsessed, and climbs up the step-ladder, informing Pilvi that she is determined to retrieve at least one intact egg, and that if she breaks the rules of the task to do so, then “so be it”. Pirjo then shakes the pole one final time, and the rest of the eggs come crashing down to the ground.

As Pirjo begins to walk away from the scene disappointed, she notices that one of the fallen eggs had not actually broken on impact, and shows it to Pilvi with an astonished look on her face.

In the studio, when Jaakko comments on Pirjo’s flagrant disregard of the task’s rules, Pirjo jokes that if she really wanted to get into the semantics of the task brief, it didn’t actually say whose feet had to remain on the ground, and she points out that Pilvi had kept both of her feet on the ground at all times. In response, Jaakko points out that the task brief probably didn’t specify which eggs needed to be retrieved, either.

For retrieving a single intact egg, but breaking the rules while doing so, Pirjo earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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