
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Eero makes some chips

Eero looks over the selection of vegetables, wondering which would have the most “air resistance”. He ultimately chooses the potato, and decides to cut it up into small chunks, so that its weight is more spread out, and it will have more air resistance. He then decides to also deep-fry the small chunks, with the aim of turning the potato into “floating dust”.

As he chops up his potato, Eero muses that the celebrity chef Kape Aihinen would approve of his knife-handling technique.

With just two minutes of his time remaining, Eero gathers up his bits of potato in a paper towel and heads outside with them, climbing up the ladder on the side of the house. Just before his time runs out, Eero shakes the paper towel out, sending small chunks of potato flying everywhere.

Eero’s “potato dust” falls for 3 seconds, and he earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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