
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pamela the storyteller

Immediately after reading the task brief, Pamela picks up the tomato, and informs Pilvi that it’s not actually a root vegetable.

Having instead chosen the potato, Pamela looks at the steps leading up to the second floor of the house, and wonders if the potato tumbling down the stairs would count as ‘falling’.

She decides to zhuzh up her task attempt by giving her potato a personality: drawing a face on it with marker pen, and pushing small broken sticks into it, to create arms and legs. As she does so, she informs Pilvi that her potato is “really quite attention-seeking”. This causes Eero, in the studio, to comment on the return of “Pamela the storyteller” (possibly referencing her in-depth justification for her solution to the ‘Feed three zebras and an elephant to the clown’ task from earlier in the season).

Pamela returns to the house, stands at the top of the staircase, and sweeps her potato down the steps with a broom. Unfortunately, her potato’s descent is stopped prematurely as it falls at an angle and crashes into the wall midway down the staircase.

Pamela’s potato falls for just 1.9 seconds, and she earns joint third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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