
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pamela, aka ‘Balltress’

Pamela looks through the rack of costumes, eventually pulling out a silver body suit. She is visibly underwhelmed by it, but decides to use it as her costume, anyway (Pamela is heavily pregnant during her filmed tasks, and this may have been one of the only costume items that would actually fit her).

She searches the shed for more inspiration, and comes up with the idea for a ball-based superhero (there are several bins full of plastic balls of various sizes in the shed). She also supplements her outfit with a sparkly silver jacket which has been stored in the shed throughout the season. Pamela then returns to the living room with a roll of bubble wrap and a bucket filled with balls.

When Pilvi returns to the living room, Pamela – as her superhero ‘Pallotar’ (‘Balltress’) – is already there, balancing on one foot on the unrolled bubble wrap, holding a disco ball above her head, and with her costume clearly stuffed with a variety of balls.

Leaning into her pregnancy, Pamela explains that Balltress has the ability to “birth” balls and use them “in various situations”, whether good or bad. She then pulls out a few balls from her suit and tosses them around the room, as a demonstration.

Pamela then reveals that Balltress is in the presence of her greatest weakness: something with a spherical shape that pops. Balltress is apparently so obsessed with spherical shapes that she is compelled to touch anything round, which she demonstrates by squeezing an egg, and breaking it in her hand. In the presence of such a large roll of bubble wrap, Balltress is completely distracted from speaking any further, as she focuses all of her attention on popping all of the bubbles.

In the studio, Pamela is visibly embarrassed by her superhero, and says that she’s too ashamed to look anyone in the eye after her attempt has been shown.

Jaakko awards Pamela second place, as he thought Balltress was “quite stylish”.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores