
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pirjo, aka ‘Blindsaurus’

Pirjo is upset that she is uninspired by the costumes provided on the rack, so she heads to the shed in the hope of finding something else there. She finds the dinosaur costume in the shed, and puts it on (though, for some reason, she puts it on backwards), before expressing her frustration that any props she has been able to dig through are too “mundane” for her superhero. As if by magic, the next item she finds is something which she decides is perfect – a VR headset.

The only other footage shown of Pirjo’s preparation is of her writing several signs, as she reflects upon how quickly she has gone from being “totally panicked” to coming up with “a brilliant, ingenious way of avoiding everything”.

Pirjo bounds into the living room and holds up a series of signs for Pilvi to read aloud. The first sign introduces her as “Zokkosaurus” (‘Blindsaurus’), but Pilvi misreads it as “Zorrosaurus”. The next sign informs Pilvi that Blindsaurus’ superpower is the ability to see into the future, which Pirjo demonstrates by holding the VR headset up to her eyes. When Pilvi asks what Blindsaurus’ weakness is, Pirjo holds up a sign informing her that she is both blind and mute.

In the studio, Pirjo breaks down trying to explain the concept of Blindsaurus – it’s not quite clear how much of it is overplayed for laughs, and how much she is just being Pirjo, and talking herself into confusion. Joonas attempts to assist her by suggesting that if Blindsaurus was blind, could only see into the future, and as such could never live in the moment, that she would be a much more tragic character. Pirjo undercuts Joonas’ reflective explanation by claiming that it was exactly what she had been trying to say.

Jaakko awards Pirjo joint third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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