
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jenni the criminal

Jenni initially jokes that she could likely fulfil the task brief by eating the pea and defecating it within the time limit. She then considers creating tooth jewellery out of the pea (reminiscent of Jo Brand’s attempt at the ‘Do the most preposterous thing with a chickpea’ task).

After searching the shed for inspiration, Jenni then finds a child’s plastic tiara, which gives her the idea to create a crown jewel out of her pea. Using a large piece of tape, she attaches the pea to the front of the tiara, and models it herself.

Jenni laments that she does not have a phone on her, as she believes that she could trick someone into purchasing it. Naturally, the next footage shown is of Jenni calling an unknown shop, offering to sell a crown with a “green, gorgeous, emerald-like” jewel in the centre. Whomever she has called stops laughing just long enough to offer her 15 euros for it.

In the studio, Mikko has the unenviable task of defending Jenni’s efforts. He attempts to spin Jenni’s attempt as an astonishing work of “shameless art forgery”, making sure to emphasise that she had also attempted to “swindle” the person on the phone. When this fails – as all Jaakko needs to do is remind Mikko that Jenni had taped a pea onto a plastic tiara – Mikko goes on a tangent about how crown jewels can be astonishing, noting that he has seen the Scottish crown jewels in person, and trying to link this to the fact that Jaakko had been gifted a Scottish title in an episode of season 3.

Jaakko, however, is unmoved, and so he awards Jenni joint last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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