
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Andy overestimates the number of cans

When Alex asks Andy how many cans he thinks are balanced on the barrier, he estimates that there are 200.

Out of all of the contestants, Andy is the only one whose progress is tracked through an on-screen graphic as if he is competing in a legitimate professional sport (likely a reference to Andy's role as a cricket statistician for BBC Radio).

He starts off by pulling on the yellow string, which topples a large proportion of the cans in the central two stacks (he estimates this as 70 cans down).

In fitting with his chosen task outfit of full cricket whites, Andy then chooses to begin his ball throwing with the cricket ball. He manages to hit the right-most of what remains of the two central stacks, knocking down six more cans.

He then throws the rugby ball at what remains of the two central stacks, and fells three more cans, before using the basketball to knock over eight of the remaining cans in the central-left stack.

Andy then throws the golf ball but it dips too low and hits the barrier itself, rather than any cans.

At this point, Andy realises that some of the felled cans have rolled within his reach, so he throws one of them, knocking down six more of the cans remaining in the central-right stack. A second can aimed towards the left-most stack actually hits the barrier below it, but this disturbance unbalances the entire stack, and 31 additional cans are felled.

Assuming that he has already knocked down way too many cans at this point, Andy deliberately throws the exercise ball off-target in frustration, to avoid felling any more.

As he leaves the scene, he says “That’s the most disappointed I’ve been in a long time”, before hitting one of his cricket pads hard with his bat, several times.

In the studio, Alex reveals that Andy had overestimated how many cans were present, and that he’d actually felled 104 of them. After briefly celebrating, Andy says “That affords me no joy, er, because I’m supposed to be good with numbers”, prompting Jack to state “Well, there’s no pleasing some people.”

After everyone else’s results have been revealed, Alex then plays some additional footage, revealing that Andy had completely stepped off of the marker spot near the start of his attempt, while throwing the cricket ball. Andy is therefore disqualified from the task, and earns no points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores