
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Rosie plays her cerebral palsy card

Rosie begins by throwing the cricket ball, but this only fells a few cans from the top of the right-most stack, prompting her to suggest that “we may need more balls”.

She then throws the rugby ball at the central-right stack, knocking down quite a few cans, before completely missing all of the cans with the golf ball.

Rosie’s throw of the exercise ball is also ineffective, as it falls short and bounces back towards her. Fortunately, this means she is able to retrieve the ball and have another shot with it. Unfortunately, her second shot falls even shorter, not even reaching the barrier. While it does again bounce back towards her, it then rolls out of her reach, and is lost.

Rosie then throws the basketball too high, and it sails over the stacks without affecting anything.

Having run out of balls, Rosie then tugs on the yellow string, which does appear to fell a good number of cans for her from the central stacks.

She then realises that one of the felled cans has rolled within her reach, so she picks that up and throws it, perfectly taking out the right-most can on the bottom row of the right-most stack, which causes the cans stacked directly above it to also fall.

In desperation, at the end of her attempt, Rosie then removes her hat and coat and tries to throw them at the cans, but they both fall short of the barrier.

In the studio, when Greg points out that Rosie had experienced some very disappointing moments during the task, she says “I don’t want to say it so early on in the series, but I’ve got cerebral palsy.”

Alex reveals that Rosie had knocked over a total of 47 cans during her attempt, which initially earns her third place. However, after Andy’s disqualification, she is moved up one place and earns 4 points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores