
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Babatunde didn’t do throwing at school

Babatunde starts off by throwing the rugby ball at the central-right stack, which fells a few cans.

He then knocks just a couple of cans off of the left-most stack with the basketball, at which point Alex points out that he seems to be aiming very high. Babatunde responds to this criticism by arguing that “I didn’t do throwing in school, bro. Man’s just comedian, bro”.

Babatunde again aims too high with his throw of the exercise ball, which flies completely over the top of the stacks without hitting anything.

In contrast, his golf ball throw is much lower, and hits the right-most can in the bottom row of the right-most stack, but does not have sufficient force to actually fell the can.

Having run out of balls, Babatunde then tugs on the blue string, which dislodges some of the cans in the right-most stack.

He then realises that one of the felled cans has rolled within his reach, so he picks that up and throws it at the central stacks. However, he again aims too high, and just knocks down a couple of cans from the top of the central-right stack.

Retrieving another can from the ground, Babatunde announces his attention to aim lower with it, before again hitting the top of one of the central stacks, and knocking off just a couple more cans.

In the studio, when Greg observes that Babatunde had not attempted to count how many cans were present, Babatunde is dismissive of the idea, leading Greg to note that it sounds like he’d gotten out of most subjects at school by arguing that he was a comedian.

Alex reveals that Babatunde had knocked over just 32 cans during his attempt, which initially earns him last place. However, after Andy’s disqualification, Babatunde is moved up one place and earns 2 points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores