
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Andy, Babatunde, and Emma make a smoothie

Andy arrives in the living room first, and is then joined by Babatunde, who immediately asks him why he is dressed like he is. The pair are then joined by Emma, who gasps in surprise, and then formally introduces herself by her full name. It’s clear that none of the three have ever met one another before, and the whole situation feels pretty awkward.

Having read the task brief, Emma starts out by asking if anyone can juggle (which neither of the men can). Andy then suggests they could do something about a multi-headed mythical creature, and Emma suggests the Hydra, before Andy suggests Cerberus, the three-headed dog of the underworld.

Moving on to discussions of what they could do that might be impressive, Emma hesitantly suggests making a smoothie. As she discusses how impressive she finds smoothies, Babatunde looks on in askance, before picking up the task brief to check whether either he or she has misunderstood the task. In response to Babatunde’s reaction, Emma backs down from the smoothie idea, but seems frustrated that no-one else has suggested anything better.

With eight minutes of their time already gone, and with good ideas not exactly pinging off the walls, the team decides to just leave the room and get on with something. As they leave, Emma picks up the task brief, stating that she really doesn’t want to get it wrong, and then gestures to her departing team-mates and comments “These guys, man”.

In the studio, when Greg observes that he doesn’t think he’s ever seen “a more awkward introduction”, Babatunde shares that he had been very confused to enter the room to find out he’d been “hooked up with” a cricketer, “and then a detective comes in” (thus coining the episode title). Greg comments that surely there was no mystery over who the detective was, though, since Emma had introduced herself by her full name.

Greg also highlights Emma’s suggestion that the team make a smoothie as their ‘impressive’ thing, and has Babatunde’s negative reaction to the suggestion replayed on the screen.

To create their multi-headed beast, the trio make three holes in a large red blanket and poke all of their heads through it. They also attach a multitude of other heads to their creature, including a skull wearing a wig, a snow leopard, and many baby doll heads. They are all also wearing rubber duck heads on their fingertips.

The team sidle over onto the deck in the garden, where a table has been set up with a blender, a bottle of milk, and some fruit, and proceed to make a smoothie as one, while saying “We are making a phenomenal smoothie today using so many phenomenal fruits and life-giving nutrients today. Making this impressive medicine will today. Oh my gosh, this is phenomenal smoothie time today.” The message is somewhat garbled due to Babatunde apparently forgetting what word he needs to contribute, and so just repeating “today” instead. Emma also says two consecutive words at the end, with “smoothie time”, but this goes uncommented upon.

Having made their smoothie, all three team members take a drink from the blender, and they then collectively say “Yum, surprisingly nutty.”, before Andy sticks his be-ducked hand into the mixture. The team then sidle back off the deck together, with Andy suggesting they get together and do it all again sometime.

In the studio, Greg can’t get over the fact that the team had actually ended up making a smoothie, but he does acknowledge that their multi-headed beast was better than “these two clowns” (referring to Jack and Rosie).

Andy claims that after drinking their smoothie, he’d gone home and, for the first time in his life, levitated.

Greg has trouble deciding which of the two teams he is less impressed by, but decides that the team of three’s multi-headed creature was more impressive than “two idiots putting their head through a bin bag”, while Jack and Rosie’s song was slightly more impressive than the smoothie. He therefore decides to just award everyone 2 points, and says they should be grateful for it.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)