
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tom aims for quantity over quality

Tom decides to teach Paul a lot of different lessons, rather than focusing on one topic, aiming for quantity over quality.

He starts with Biology, teaching Paul the fun seagull-related fact that for every eight males hatched, there are 10 females, and also that 14% of seagulls are lesbians.

Tom then moves on to an English Language lesson, teaching Paul about the differences between the verb and noun forms of the words ‘object’ and ‘present’, and how one should stress the second syllable for the verb forms, and the first syllable for the noun forms.

In footage which did not make the edit, the pair also play a game of hangman, in which the target word was ‘Lynx’.

Tom then moves on to Religious Education, teaching Paul about Doubting Thomas.

Finally, Tom teaches Paul some History by asking Paul if he knows the most common female name in the ‘50s, which they eventually agree was ‘Mary’. When Tom then asks Paul what the least common name at that time was, Paul suggests “Adolf”, which Tom agrees with.

Tom earns 4 points for the sheer quantity of his lessons.

(Written by Will G and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo & Will G and adjusted by David Fuller)

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