Tom surprises himself by making soap

When Tom requests fat, Paul asks what kind he wants, and Tom says either vegetable or animal fat are fine. He also requests a “sweet essence” of some description, and when Paul asks him to be more specific, asks for peach. His final requested ingredient is branflakes.
When Tom arrives back in the lab and discovers his requested ingredients, Paul explains to him that he couldn’t get peach essence, so instead got him peach vape juice.
Tom heats his ingredients up in a pan, noting how bad the fat smells. As he adds the vape juice, he states that he’s dying for a vape.
He places his mixture into moulds, and places it in the freezer to set. When he checks back on it later, he finds that some of the fat has dripped onto the bottom of the freezer. He picks it up and notes that it does smell of peach, and is amazed that he seems to have actually made soap.
When Paul tries “Tom’s soapy surprise”, it seems to work well, so Tom earns 5 points.
(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)