
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Dara wins the task, despite John and Fern

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

In round one, the team's word is 'worm'. Dara leads with "What wriggles", Fern follows with "in Greg's", and John finishes with "muddy garden?". Greg correctly guesses the word. In round two, the team's word is 'massive'. Fern begins with "How would", John continues with "you describe", and Dara rescues them with "enormous hugeness?" (thus coining the episode title). Greg correctly guesses the word. In round three, the team's word is 'helicopter'. John inexplicably starts out with "I wish", Fern jumps in with the similarly unhelpful "not to", and Dara attempts to save them with "ascend vertically?". Greg understably makes an incorrect guess of 'descend'. Given a second chance, Dara starts off with the much more sensible "Which aircraft", Fern follows with the wild "crashes more" (making Dara curl up in the fetal position on the stage), and John closes with the equally unhelpful "into mountains?". Presumably piecing together the useful parts of both questions contributed by Dara, Greg correctly identifies that the answer is 'helicopter'. The team earns three points, thanks to Dara.

(Written by Karl Craven)