Episode 2: Enormous hugeness

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the best thing that they can't quite throw away, create and distribute the most laminated signs, obey their own signs, put five grapes into a bowl while wearing flippers, sort ducks and socks into different buckets, and make the Taskmaster says their words.
Title context
'Enormous hugeness' was Dara's contribution to the second question posed by his team in the 'Make the Taskmaster say your words' task.
Alternate Titles
- On Finland's MTV Katsomo streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Suunnaton valtavuus', which translates as 'Enormous vastness'. [Translator credit: zador]
- On Sweden's SVT Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'En enorm storhet', which translates as 'An enormous hugeness'.
Taskmaster Intro
Hello, and welcome to Taskmaster. I'm Greg Davies, and I am the Taskmaster. And I mean the real one, not the comic book villain that pops up when you google me. We've both got our skills. He can mimic any fighting style, and I can take down an 18-inch pizza in one by unhooking my jaw like a mighty human snake. Mm! Ssss! Delicious. And I'm the only Taskmaster that wields power over trophy-hungry comedians. They are my fantastic five, and they are ready to save the world by being rubbish at tasks.
Assistant Intro
And next to me is someone who I can be a little bit cruel to but, at the end of the day, I'm proud to call my best friend. It's Trunky, the naughty elephant! Love you, Trunky! And next to him, a wretched, hairy weasel! Little Alex Horne!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
So what have we learnt today? We've learnt that people come in different shapes and sizes. But not ducks. No. Ducks come in one size and one size only. And if you've got an issue with that fact, you'd better speak to this guy. Bye-bye, everyone. You can go now, but don't forget who won tonight. It was Dara Ó Briain.
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Official podcast episode
Episode stats

Episode scores
Winner notes
Dara is the first contestant on Taskmaster UK to win all the tasks in an episode, securing the maximum points available to him.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Red Bee Media