Make the Taskmaster say your words

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Make the Taskmaster say your words.
Each team will ask one question at a time, and each question must be made up of exactly six words.
Also, each team member must take it in turns to say two words of each question.
First to make the Taskmaster say your word wins.
Task notes
- The contestants are stood in their teams on stage, and Greg is stood at a podium in front of the stage, with his back to them.
- There are three rounds of the game and, in each round, the teams pick one of two words at random, offered on placards by Alex.
- In round one, the words are 'Worm' and 'Sausage'.
- In round two, the words are 'Floppy' and 'Massive'.
- In round three, the words are 'Helicopter' and 'Dungarees'.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- In round one, the team's word is 'worm'. Dara leads with "What wriggles", Fern follows with "in Greg's", and John finishes with "muddy garden?". Greg correctly guesses the word. In round two, the team's word is 'massive'. Fern begins with "How would", John continues with "you describe", and Dara rescues them with "enormous hugeness?" (thus coining the episode title). Greg correctly guesses the word. In round three, the team's word is 'helicopter'. John inexplicably starts out with "I wish", Fern jumps in with the similarly unhelpful "not to", and Dara attempts to save them with "ascend vertically?". Greg understably makes an incorrect guess of 'descend'. Given a second chance, Dara starts off with the much more sensible "Which aircraft", Fern follows with the wild "crashes more" (making Dara curl up in the fetal position on the stage), and John closes with the equally unhelpful "into mountains?". Presumably piecing together the useful parts of both questions contributed by Dara, Greg correctly identifies that the answer is 'helicopter'. The team earns three points, thanks to Dara.
- In round one, the team's word is 'sausage'. Sarah starts with "What breakfast", Munya follows with "is long", and Sarah closes with "and meaty?". Greg correctly guesses the word. In round two, the team's word is 'floppy'. Munya starts with "Can you", Sarah follows with "lessen erection". and Munya finishes with "until it's...?". Greg incorrectly guesses that the word is 'soft'. In round three, the team's word is 'dungarees'. Sarah begins with "What trousers", Munya continues with "do farmers", and Sarah closes with "wear now?". Greg is torn between two possible answers - 'dungarees' and 'overall' - but is thrown off by the 'now' in Sarah's final contribution, so incorrectly chooses 'overall'. On their second attempt, Sarah capitalises on Greg's previous comments, starting with "Not overalls". Munya continues with "so it", and Sarah concludes with "must be...?". Greg, unsurprisingly, guesses correctly this time. The team earns two points.
(Source credit: Karl Craven)