
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Obey all your signs

A row of seats in the waiting area of an airport gate.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Obey all your signs.

Highest percentage of signs obeyed wins.

You have three minutes.

Your time starts now.
A laminated sign that reads 'Bugger off'.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Dara gives the same surprised reaction to each of his signs warning about burglars, kidnappers, the Gruffalo, Muntjack deer, and tigers. He does not sit on the seat marked 'Get your arse off this', and runs away in response to the sign warning that the police are coming. He manages to fulfil the instructions on 100% of his 25 signs, earning joint first place with Munya.
  • To fulfil her sign about eating enough fibre, she requests the sandwich she'd be having for lunch. She breathes deeply, to fulfil the 'Breathe' sign, and sits on all of the seats marked with 'Warm your bum'. She is unmarried, so cannot obey the sign telling her to leave her husband. She runs as instructed by one of her signs, but is unable to fulfil the instruction to poo in her pants, as she thinks her poo would come out of her costume. She goes on to theorise that it would be bifurcated by the part of her costume that runs between her buttocks. She manages to fulfil the instructions on 75% of her signs, earning fourth place.
  • John asks Alex to sit in the seat marked 'Alex's seat', and then suggests they wait for 'the joker man' to turn up to sit on his designated seat. He then runs into trouble with the signs he has written in Wingdings, since they are unreadable, and he can't remember what he wrote. He then spends much of his remaining time trying to decode his signs by typing keywords he remembers back into the laptop using Wingdings. However, he cannot figure them out, so concludes that the font actually changes each time you use it. In a last ditch effort to fulfil the instructions on at least one of his Wingdings signs, he sits on each of them in turn. At the very end of his attempt, he almost drops the laptop on the floor. He manages to fulfil the instructions on roughly half of his seven signs, placing last.
  • Munya fulfils the instructions on 100% of his nine signs by agreeing that Alex stinks, being alive, laughing, and 'being leng', doing sit-ups (to 'be healthy'), and presumably by thinking good thoughts. He earns joint first place, along with Dara, for the percentage of signs he obeyed.
  • Sarah fulfils many of her tasks in one action by leaving the part of the terminal she is in through a door. She then fulfils the instructions about eating by taking a bite from a banana but then spitting it out. She refuses to take her pants off on TV, thereby fulfilling the instructions on 13 of her 14 signs, or c93% (not 91%, as stated by Alex). This earns her third place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)