
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Raise Mark's heart rate

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Excite Mark.

Mark must remain seated.

Biggest increase in Mark's heart rate wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • While reading the task, Anders declares that he’s going to play naughty doctor with Mark to raise his heart rate. He has Mark close his eyes, then whispers sensual things into his ears. When that does not work, Anders acts out a soldier’s arrival in Vietnam in the 1970s (in the studio, Anders claims he was recreating a scene from Rambo, complete with torture), before twisting Mark’s nipples and (lightly) hitting him in the chest several times. Anders manages to raise Mark’s heart rate by 27 beats; he earns third place.
  • Jakob decides to use exercise to raise Mark’s heart rate, and leaves to find something heavy for Mark to lift. He soon comes back with a heavy rock, and has Mark do several reps raising it above his head. Jakob manages to raise Mark’s heart rate by 65 beats; he earns second place.
  • Neel realises that just because Mark needs to stay seated doesn’t mean he can’t move around. She has Mark hang on to the chair arms and stand up and run around the room. She then stops him and tells him to run quickly in place. In the studio, Lasse notices that Mark had done Neel’s entire attempt while barefoot, and asks why. Neel reveals that her first attempt was cut, and it didn’t matter what it was; Anders implies that Neel had planned on sucking Mark’s toes to raise his heart rate by arousing him, and Neel swiftly counters that she originally wanted to just embarrass Mark, but does not elaborate further. Neel manages to raise Mark’s heart rate by 82 beats; she wins the task.
  • Mahamad – When reading the task, Mahamad declares that he would either have to torture Mark or show him porn. Mahamad decides on torture. He decides to use Chinese water torture. Mahamad duct tapes Mark’s wrists to the chair and sets up a dripping water bottle above Mark’s head. Mahamad sits and drinks coffee while water constantly drips on Mark’s head. Despite using an actual torture method, Mahamad only manages to raise Mark’s heart rate by 21 beats; he earns last place.
  • Annika decides to raise Mark’s heart rate by stressing him out. She attempts to accomplish this mostly by making Mark close his eyes while she pops balloons – her reasoning seeming to be that the anticipation of not knowing when the balloon will pop will stress him out; however, the pops seem to distress Annika more than Mark. She then moves on to throwing pillows at Mark’s face and yelling stressful things at him through a megaphone (such as a dire warning that is an impending financial crisis that will demolish the worth of Mark’s newly-purchased house). Finally, she declares Mark to be a prisoner of war and places a basked over his head while popping more balloons near his face. Annika manages to raise Mark’s heart rate by 24 beats; she earns fourth place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)