Score 11 points

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Get 11 points.
Fastest wins.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- Points are scored whenever a contestant touches their mouth, and lost for riding the exercise bike.
- Two points are lost for disrespecting the Taskmaster.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Jakob first attempts to earn points by scoring points in a solo game of squash. He then sits on the exercise bike and starts peddling; this earns him a minus point. He tries cycling backwards instead; this also earns him a minus point. Jakob shoves one of the cupcakes in his mouth; when it does not earn him any points, Jakob asks Mark for a clue. Jakob wipes some cake from his mouth while his back is turned, so he does not immediately notice that he scores a point for doing so. He does suspect that the point has something to do with the cupcake, so he eats another one. After trying to score points by throwing various items in the trash can, and by talking to the camera, Jakob gives up. In the studio, Mark reveals that Jakob was on the squash court for 18 minutes 47 seconds. Because he did not solve the task, Jakob earns no points.
- Neel earns a point almost immediately; however, because she was looking around the room, she did not notice in enough time to connect her action with the point. Neel starts trying to earn points by eating a cupcake; as she’s a tidy eater, she always wipes the frosting from her mouth, which subsequently awards her points. However, she believes that she is earning points via a combination of taking bites of the cupcake and talking with her mouth full. Neel completes the task in 5 minutes 51 seconds and earns second place.
- It is clear from the offset that Anders has decided he will not enjoy this task. After hitting the squash ball a few times, he proceeds to wreck the room, throwing items around. He sits down in a chair and declares that he’s just waiting to be picked up. The rest of Anders' footage is a conversation he has with Mark; Anders idly touches his face during the conversation, which earns him points. Anders earns the majority of his points just by tiredly rubbing his eyes. It’s possible that Anders actually figures out near the end that touching his face is what is earning him points without letting on that he knows, because he randomly decides to tell Mark a (heavily censored) story about a boy who shoots milk from his eyes – and Anders constantly touches his face (and earns points) while telling the story, claiming that if the story “didn’t give [him] 11 points, then [he didn’t] know shit,” before grinning as his final points are earned. Anders completes the task in 17 minutes 43 seconds and earns third place.
- Annika attempts to earn points by raising a cupcake above her head; when that doesn’t work, she puts it down and licks the frosting off of her finger, which earns her a point. She re-reads the task and licks some more frosting off of her finger, earning her another point; licking some more frosting off of part of her hand quickly earns her a third point. While thinking of how to earn more points, Annika eats a cupcake, dipping her finger in the frosting to eat it instead of just taking bites, which always awards her points. Annika seems to believe that licking frosting is what earns her points (though when Lasse asks the contestants in the studio if they knew how points were earned, Annika does not reply that she knows). Annika completes the task in 2 minutes 20 seconds and earns first place.
- In the studio prior to everyone’s attempts being shown, Lasse asks all of the contestants how many of them knew how points were earned. Mahamad is the only one who raises his hand. When the audience applauds him, Mahamad cuts them off, saying that it didn’t mean anything other than that he knew how the points were earned, implying that he performed badly. After trying to earn points by playing squash, Mahamad takes a bite from a cupcake and decides that perhaps the way to earn points is actually up where Mark is; Mahamad does not notice that he earned a point (by wiping cupcake icing from his face) until he is next to Mark, leading him to believe that the points have something to do with the stairs; this belief is reinforced when Mahamad idly touches his face while climbing the stairs, earning him another point. Mahamad eventually gives up on his stairs theory and moves on to wondering if he earns points by saying something specific. He repeats various questions where he happened to earn points because he was idly touching his face while doing so. When Mahamad manages to reach nine points, he picks up the picture of Lasse and waves it around in an attempt to earn more points; this docks two points from his total (for showing disrespect to the Stormester); after accidentally knocking the picture over (and losing more points), Mahamad decides to see if he can get into negative points by purposefully being rough with Lasse’s picture. Mahamad paces around thinking, constantly touching his face while doing so, and finally realises (when he only needs two more points) that touching his face is what has earned him points. Mahamad completes the task in 28 minutes 4 seconds and earns fourth place.
(Source credit: Jenny R)