
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Score 11 points

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Get 11 points as fast as possible.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in a room inside the Kongen Befaler house, where Olli waits with a service bell and a monitor.
  • Scattered around the room are some tennis rackets, shuttlecocks, a chess board, some balls, slices of cake, a potted plant, some musical instruments, a bucket, and a framed photo of Atle.
  • In the studio, Olli reveals that the contestants earn points for touching their heads, and lose points for disrespecting Atle.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henriette and Martha embody Olli's introductory description of them as the team that excels in "babbling and chattering", as they enter the room in the middle of a conversation, and immediately start talking over each other, while looking for the task brief. They first attempt to score points by using the rackets to hit a shuttlecock back and forth, but earn their first point as Martha touches her hair, while not paying attention. Henriette then scores the second point, touching her head while talking about how she doesn't know how they scored the first point. She gets the idea that she was roasting Martha at the time of the second point, so the pair then exchange insults for a while, before establishing that it does not work. Henriette touches her face while apologising for saying that Martha has hair extensions, scoring another point. Martha decides to try eating the cake, touching her hair as she crouches down to do so, and racking up another point. This, of course, leads them to briefly believe that eating is the solution, before it quickly becomes apparent that that is not the case. Henriette picks up the framed photo of Atle, and Martha throws a shuttlecock at it, which leads to Olli blowing his whistle and deducting a point. In apology, Martha kisses the photo, but also touches her own face while doing so, regaining the lost point. After another point is earned, Henriette suggests that it was because Martha had showed Olli her behind, so they both try that again, to no avail. Henriette touches her own face again as Martha says Olli's name, so then they both try repeating his name, and singing to him that they love him. They are then seen playing the musical instruments in the room, before Martha is seen putting the bucket on her head and yelling. The final point is scored after 4 minutes and 45 seconds, as Martha holds a trophy aloft and yells about it, and Henriette idly touches her own nose. The pair leave the room victorious but clueless about what had happened. In the studio, they still haven't spotted what they were doing that scored them points, and it has to be explained to them by Olli. The team earns just one point for their effort.
  • Espen watches Olli like a hawk, as his teammates start wandering around the room, trying to identify how to score points. He then leans over and rings Olli's service bell himself, which automatically registers a point on the monitor, despite no head-touching having taken place. Having stumbled across a shortcut solution to the task, Espen fully exploits it, hitting the bell another 10 times to bring the score to 11 points in just 34 seconds. Atle accepts Espen's shortcut, since he still managed to get 11 points to display on the screen. The team therefore earns five points each.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)


Notes on task scores

  • Even though the team of three did not score any points by touching their heads, they still won the task by figuring out that the points increased every time the service bell was rung.