
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sarah handles Munya's hips

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Munya decides to stand in front of Sarah, with both of her hands upon both of his hips, leaving both of his hands free. They find a large planter, which they move to the decking and begin filling with sand using a couple of drainpipe elbows. Realising that one pot of sand probably won't be enough to win, they then find two similar planters and fill those up, too. With just 1 minute and 10 seconds left on the clock, they retrieve the shopping trolley from the front of the house. With just 25 second sleft, Munya lifts the trolley up and over the ropes around the decking. Climbing in after it, the team unfortunately only has enough time to put one of their planters full of sand into the trolley before Alex blows his whistle. In total, they managed to get 21kg of sand into the trolley, just winning the task after John's successful sabotage of his own team.

(Written by Karl Craven)