
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The thing you most want on a Sunday morning

Image of the pool of prize submissions submitted by the contestants in the 'The thing you most want on a Sunday morning' task.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in the thing that you most want on a Sunday morning.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Sarah brings in her own personal 'Do Not Disturb' sign, which she takes with her to hotels when on tour, to ensure that no-one ever tries to come into her room. Although he enjoys the rage behind her prize, Greg awards it fourth place.
  • John brings in a business card he has made, featuring the text "Know what you want and have the confidence to go after it." Although immediately unimpressed, Greg warms up to the idea by the time he issues his scores, awarding John first place.
  • Fern brings in her favourite breakfast soup, a Chinese dish containing a savoury tofu pudding. Alex tastes it and describes it as "fishy, very spicy, and quite crunchy". Greg also tastes it (surprising Fern, who apparently thinks that people from Shrewsbury only eat roast dinners) and describes it as tasting "like a farmyard" and "the flavour of hopelessness". Nevertheless, he awards the soup third place.
  • Munya brings in a foot skin file, which Greg describes as "the bleakest image I've had since I imagined sharing breakfast with Fern". He awards Munya last place in the task.
  • Dara brings in a large segmented frying pan for cooking full breakfasts, which Greg is quick to point out that he also owns. Dara demonstrates that the pan can also be used for lighter breakfasts, showing an image of it containing cereal, orange juice, a bagel, some pineapple, some yoghurts, and some vitamin pills. He is very quick to point out that all the food was either eaten or put back in the fridge after the photo was taken, to avoid any accusations about food waste. Greg awards him second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)