
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The thing most people want to touch

Image of the pool of prize submissions submitted by the contestants in the 'The thing most people want to touch' task.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in the thing that most people want to touch.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Igor brings in a large red button labeled “EMERGENCY STOP”, on which he's written “Do not touch!” He reasons that anyone who is forbidden to touch an emergency button will always want to touch it just to see what happens. Ivan gives Igor four points.
  • Lidija brings in a fluffy blanket. She says that whenever she is out shopping and walks past the bedding section, she wants to touch all of the blankets. Ivan gives Lidija three points.
  • Enio brings in a fork. He says that the desire to touch a fork (to eat) several times a day has allowed him to live as long a life as he has. Ivan gives Enio one point.
  • Ana brings in a bunch of bubble-wrap, confidently declaring that everyone wants to pop the bubbles. Ivan gives Ana two points, saying that submitting bubble-wrap as an answer is just okay.
  • Ante brings in a picture of Lidija. He says that both men and women, in Croatia and around the world, would find her desirable to touch. He then declares that he will no longer be able to look at Lidija, who coincidentally occupies the seat next to him for the studio recordings. Ivan gives Ante five points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)