
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Dara, Fern and John create the 1980s sitcom, 'Scalpel Please!'.

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

As the team enter the room and hear the upbeat music playing, Dara compliments the ambience and Fern seems impressed by the light show. The team then sit down in silence and wait for the music to end, with John, in particular, looking very uncomfortable, and Fern looking unsure, while Dara appears to be enjoying himself. However, as they open the task brief, they are all singing the tune in unison. They then listen to the tune again, to try to spark some ideas. Fern questions how to "draw a dance number", and then draws a very simplistic sketch of the three of them on the task brief, which John presents to camera with the phrase "there is this idea, of course...". In studio, Fern reveals that she'd completely forgotten that she'd created the "shit" drawing. The team's routine for the music takes the form of an intro sequence for a fictional 1980s American sitcom titled 'Scalpel Please!', with Fern playing the actor Brandy Alexander (who plays a doctor), Dara playing the actor Biff Chippington (who, he reveals, in studio, plays the doctor character, Chip Biffington, thus coining the episode title), and John as the actor Coco Pops (who plays a recurring senior doctor/patient character, who dies every week). In their routine, filmed in the lab, John lies on the operating table, wide awake, while the two doctors dance in and out of frame, wielding unlikely surgical devices (a kitchen knife and a pizza cutter) and operate on him, removing a length of tumble drier vent tubing, a length of bunting, and his skull (through his stomach, naturally). Finally, Fern waters John with a watering can, and Dara extracts a rose from his body, which he presents to her, before all three of them grin at the camera as the show's title appears. Greg awards the team first place for their creation.

(Written by Karl Craven)