
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Munya and Sarah create a training montage

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

As the team enter the room and hear the upbeat music playing, Munya starts beatboxing along with it, and then dances while Sarah mimes playing the drums. By the end, they are both dancing in their seats. Upon reading the task brief, Sarah insists that "we just did it!" and "that's all that I've got!". Munya leads the idea generation by claiming that he knows "seven types of martial arts". When he challenges Sarah to try and hit him, she insists that she'll do it later, when he's "making a cup of tea", rather than now, when he's ready. After Munya suggests they do a work-out routine, Sarah apologises in advance for any "accidental farts", which seems to stun him. Their routine takes the form of a martial arts training montage, with Munya, as the sensei, trying to improve Sarah's skills and confidence, so she can punch through a wall of (foam) bricks, which has been erected on Greg's statue's lap. The training includes regular push-ups, punching a ciabatta, blocking practice, two-finger push-ups, and punching thrown balls, before Sarah is able to finally punch through the wall, at the end of the music. In studio, Sarah explains that the ciabatta was a substitute for having a whole cow carcass to punch, as is seen in the movie Rocky. Feeling generous, Greg decides to award the team four points for their effort.

(Written by Karl Craven)