
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Luggage trolley bowling

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Place one luggage trolley a certain distance away from the line.

Then, starting behind the line, strike that luggage trolley with another luggage trolley.

If you strike the first luggage trolley with another luggage trolley, you may move the first luggage trolley further away.

You may not move any unsuccessful luggage trollies.

Furthest luggage trolley struck wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the baggage reclaim area of Gatwick Airport's South Terminal, where a line has been marked on the floor, and the contestants are provided with a number of luggage trolleys, one of which is marked with a large Taskmaster logo.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Fern initially places the target trolley several metres away. Her first pushed trolley veers off to one side, but a second attempt is a direct hit. She moves the target trolley much further away, and just barely misses it with her first shot, but her second trolley tips over and just barely makes contact with it. Moving the target trolley yet further away, she tries an experimental technique of turning on the spot and releasing a trolley in a way that leads it to spin ineffectively and stop far short of where it needed to go. Another trolley makes the distance, but is slightly off-target. In response to a supposedly well-meaning comment from Alex about her learning during the task, she tells him to "fuck off", assuming he is being passive-aggressive. Her final attempt also ends up off-target and, with a personal best distance of 18.3m, she earns last place in the task.
  • Sarah begins with her target trolley just one metre away, and easily hits it with another trolley, so directly that they become docked together. With the target trolley a few more metres away, she misses her first shot, but nails the second. She moves the target trolley even further away, wedging it against one of the luggage retrieval conveyors, and scores a direct hit on it with her next trolley. She moves the target trolley slightly further away, and (accidentally) takes a shot at it with two attached trolleys, which veer off at the last minute. A following trolley, released from a running start, makes direct contact. Moving the target slightly further, Sarah scores a direct hit on it with her final shot, the trolley gracefully rotating as it rolls. With a personal best of 25.4m, Sarah earns fourth place in the task.
  • John begins with his target trolley just a few metres away, and manages to dock his first rolled trolley with it, with the pair pirhouetting away together. He moves the target trolley quite a lot further away, and scores a direct hit on it with a running push. Feeling ambitious, he moves the target trolley far beyond Fern and Sarah's best distances. After noting that it is probably impossible, his first shot stops just short of its target, and slightly off-target, as do his second and third shots. His fourth shot at the target, however, curves gracefully and makes direct contact. In the studio, Greg genuinely compliment's John's trolley-bowling prowess, but the build up has John worried that perhaps his foot was over the line when he released the trolley. After some tense moments, it is revealed that this was not the case, and that his attempt was perfectly valid. With a personal best distance of 19 Noel Edmondses (c32.9m, according to Google, but Alex states that the shot was "over 34 metres"), John wins first place in the task.
  • Munya begins with great ambition, wheeling the target trolley quite some distance away from the line, and actually striking it successfully with his first attempt. Moving the target trolley further away, he requests a slow clap from Alex as he takes his next shot. As his trolley stops short of its target, he blames Alex for not clapping with enough passion. He then tries a discus-style technique for projecting his next trolley, spinning around on the spot with it and releasing it over the line, which proves very much ineffective. His next shot is straight and true, bending just enough on its course at the very end to strike the target trolley perfectly. Moving the target yet further away, Munya enlists Alex to provide additional power in the run-up for his next and final shot, which veers off and stops very much short of its intended destination. With a personal best distance of 17.7 Noel Edmondses (c30.6m, according to Google), Munya earns second place in the task.
  • Dara begins by playing it safe, and getting "one in the bank" from a distance of just a few metres. Moving his target trolley just one metre further away, he then sets about identifying the best trolley to use for his next shot, by testing how wobbly their wheels are. His next shot is bang on target, proving the importance of using only the best equipment for your game. After interpreting Alex's comment about the distance as criticism of his cautious approach, Dara moves the target trolley forward quite a distance, and then takes a running start at his next shot, which appears to be veering off-target, but actually makes gentle contact. With just ten seconds left, Dara takes one final shot at a slightly more distant target, his projectile beatifully rebounding off of one of his previously-rolled trolleys, and landing exactly where it needs to be. In the studio, Dara adopts the demeanour of a professional trolley bowler at the height of his game, discussing how the courses for the sport vary from location to location. With a personal best of about 16.5 Noel Edmondses (c28.5m, according to Google), Dara earns third place in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)