
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get the most pleasure from these rubber chutes

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received on the driveway of the Taskmaster house, where it is laid on top of one of eight red rubber chutes (of the type used to channel waste from a construction site into a skip). The brief for the task is as follows:

Get the most pleasure from all of these rubber chutes.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Munya's first instinct is to make a big slide from the chutes. Instead, he starts out by putting one of the chutes of the head of the statue of Greg. He then has Alex bend over and hold one of the chutes on his back, while he loosely tapes it in place. This is part of a game he has invented, named 'KnoCOWt', in which the aim is to fire a volleyball through the chute on Alex's back (using bungee cords attached to the back end), and hit Linda the cow, who is standing behind a pyramid made from six of the other chutes. Unfortunately, the bungee cords do not have the power to launch the ball very far out of the chute, so they end up having to move closer, with Munya just throwing the ball through the chute instead. He eventually throws the ball hard enough to topple the pyramid of chutes, which fall onto Linda, ringing a large service bell set up on her head. Greg judges that Munya and Sarah were having equal amounts of fun, so awards them joint second place.
  • Dara's first instinct is to play the chutes like a giant musical instrument. Instead, he sets up the chutes from the roof of the Taskmaster house, and across the decking, turning them into a ball-serving machine, which is fed by Alex, stood on a ladder. Dara stands a short distance away from the end of the chute with a hurley (a flared wooden stick used in the Irish sport of hurling), and attempts to whack the balls with it, as Alex drops them into the chute. The aim is to hit a paper target which he has taped over the end of one of the other chutes. He does eventually succeed at this game and, though he clearly enjoyed himself, Greg awards him two points because he was only enjoying "one form of pleasure".
  • John's first instinct is to make a big slide from the chutes. He then requests "five little chocolates". He sets seven of the chutes up together on the driveway, anchored on two barrels, creating a long tunnel to crawl through, which is lit internally with fairy lights. Alex has hidden the "five choccies" he requested within the tunnel, the far end of which is covered with John's jacket. John crawls slowly and uncomfortably through the tunnel, finding all of the chocolates, before requesting that Alex "lower the flap" so he can "have some pleasure time" with them. After consuming the chocolates, he asks Alex to lift the flap again, so he can exit the tunnel. He then attempts to kick a football into the eighth chute, which has been inserted into a hole in the plastic dome (created by removing one of the hexagonal panes). He misses multiple times, all the while inisting that the experience is "pleasurable", before switching to having Alex throw the ball at him, so he can try to 'head' it into the chute, instead. This also proves too difficult for him to achieve, so he switches to throwing the ball up himself, and trying to head it it while stood immediately in front of the pipe. Even this straightforward challenge takes him multiple tries to achieve and, even then, the ball misses the large service bell that's been set up inside the dome to give a satisfying 'ding' on completion. In the studio, Greg asks John what his definition of 'pleasure' is, to which he responds "Doing something well", to everyone's great amusement. Greg points out that John was clearly in pain during most of the task, and John admits that he did not enjoy crawling down the chute. Greg also points out that John had revealed, on national TV, just how bad he was at football. Despite his struggle and humiliation, Greg awards John three points, stating that he thinks John just "expresses pleasure in a different way".
  • Fern's first instinct is to climb inside one of the chutes and have a nap. She then does climb inside one of them and, when Alex asks if she's experiencing pleasure, points out that she can see a "little green fly" on the chute next to her. For her attempt proper, she immobilises Alex by making him stand inside a stack of two of the chutes, and then throws pieces of banana at him, telling him to catch them in his mouth (which he does). She then takes the opportunity to put lipstick and eyeliner on his face. Finally, she squeezes tomato ketchup directly into his mouth, instructing him to "drink this", before heading back inside the house, leaving him trapped in the chutes. In the studio, Fern points out that Alex exhibits a "very English" brand of passive-aggressiveness, which just made her want to be violent towards him. Greg awards her first place for punishing Alex and then just wandering off without even saying 'goodbye'.
  • Sarah's first instinct is to make a big slide from the chutes. Instead, though, she dresses Alex in her spare task costume (plus a shower cap), blindfolds him, and gives him a 'sensory experience' by passing/throwing things through four of the chutes, which are arranged in a semi-circle around him. The four other chutes are used as plinths next to each of the 'sensory' chutes, holding: a baking tray with a fir tree branch on it, which she pokes Alex with, through the first chute; a plate with a pile of whipped cream on it, which she throws at him through the second chute; a plate of what looks like shepherd's pie, which she mushes up with her hand, and throws at him through the third tube; and a large cooking pan, the contents of which are not revealed in the footage shown. In studio, Sarah says she had a lot of fun, just letting loose on Alex, and making a mess. Greg judges that Munya and Sarah were having equal amounts of fun, so awards them joint second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)