
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Leo makes a mess while the musicians play

Leo starts by getting the musicians to play something Balkan-sounding for him.

His actual song begins with a member of the band speaking the following words over an intro, which builds in intensity until Leo actually enters the room:

He is cool
He is awesome
He's called Leo
Here comes the king

The music then switches to a ska rhythm, and Leo walks around the room, scattering small items (possibly sweets) from a bowl he is carrying onto the floor and the heads of the musicians.

The composition ends with him saying "Boom, we are here."

In the studio, he admits that he never considered the possibility that he might be asked to sing on the show, which is clearly something he is uncomfortable about.

Bård points out that he neatly found a way around this discomfort by not actually singing. However, he still awards Leo third place, for some reason.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Nic)

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