
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle develops a hunch-back

Danielle enters the study wearing a bald cap with strands of hair sparsely attached to it. She has large moles on her face, a very prominent hunch-back, and very low-slung breasts.

She tells Tom Cashman that she is 300 years old, and he responds that she looks very good for that age, before asking if he can have a look at her body (he later apologises for this in the studio).

After he asks her several further questions, she objects to the interrogation, pointing out that it wasn't specified in the task brief that she should have come up with an entire backstory.

In the studio, Tom Gleeson points out that, during her attempt at the 'Create a one minute montage of your life' task, in the first episode of the season, she claimed she had died at the age of 410. He is therefore willing to accept her given age of 300 in this task, giving her a difference of 270 years, and meaning that she wins the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores