
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julia brags about tolerating stupid people

It's unclear in what order Julia opens her presents, but it seems likely that she worked from her right to her left, opening the one containing sand last.

She finds the sieve in the sand, and uses it to strain the soup, finding the letters for the combination lock.

However, apparently forgetting the Christmas theme of the task, she manages to reach the conclusion that the word needed to open the lock is 'SATAN', rather than'SANTA'. After that fails to work, she realises her mistake, and uses the correct word instead, finding the hay inside the box.

She then turns her attention to the box containing the jelly, extracting the phone from within.

She digs around in the box containing the hay, and eventually locates the needle within.

She appears to not have solved the jigsaw puzzle or found the magnet.

Having inserted the SIM card and turned on the phone, she calls the number she's instructed to, listens to the message, and then gives Tom Cashman three examples of how she has been good this year, which include having kept her cool when "talking to stupid people".

Tom then hands over the golden present from under his hat, and Julia sings a final carol before unwrapping it to find the blue stress ball within.

She is very clearly disappointed with the anticlimactic gift, and flips Tom the bird on the way out of the lab.

In the studio, Tom Cashman reveals that Julia took 51 minutes and 45 seconds to complete the task, earning fourth place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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