
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Luke invents completely new carols

At the start of his attempt, Luke decides that, in order to play it safe with regards to the royalty-free carols, he is going to make up all of his own songs.

The carols he performs include such hits as "It's Christmas Time in the December Month of the Year", and "Randall (Rudolph's Cousin) Reindeer Had a Very Average Nose".

He first opens the present containing the jigsaw, and then opens the one containing jelly.

He finds the plastic-wrapped phone inside, but assumes it is an ice-pack, being used to keep the jelly cool, and pays no further attention to it.

The third one he unwraps is the one containing sand, and he finds the sieve within, but has no idea what to do with it.

Instead of trying to find the code for the locked box, Luke decides to brute force the box open. He first tries punching the box with his bare hand, which just ends up hurting him. He then places the box on the floor, and stamps on it instead, breaking the lid open.

However, after pulling out the hay inside, he assumes there was nothing else in there, and turns his attention back to the box containing the jigsaw puzzle.

Having solved the part of the puzzle instructing him to 'look under' something, he checks under the table, and finds the magnet. He tries to use it to find something in the hay that he had already dropped all over the floor, and eventually realises that he's looking for a needle, but has no idea what he even needs a needle for.

He eventually asks Tom whether he has anything under his hat, and asks him to remove it. Tom cooperates, and the golden present drops out onto the floor.

Luke unwraps the present, forgetting to sing a carol first, so he is ultimately disqualified.

In the studio, he tries to salvage the task by singing another new made-up carol with the lyrics "Once a year, a special day comes round. It's Christmas. Jesus was... born? Jesus was born! Didn't die 'til quite later...", which Tom Gleeson is willing to indulge, but then points out that the carol had to be sung before opening the present.

Luke's disqualification therefore stands, but Tom Cashman reveals that he'd completed the task after 22 minutes and 47 seconds, and would therefore have secured second place, if he'd not forgotten to sing a carol first.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores