
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marko the Olympic-level iron thrower

Marko stands a few steps away from the ironing board and throws the iron at it, but misses. He informs David that he is thinking while he throws, as at the moment he can think of no other way to complete the task. Marko’s next throw lands on the board, so he walks a little further away from the board and tries again, successfully landing the iron on the board once more. With seven minutes left of his time, Marko realises that he can move the ironing board. He moves the board to the shed, and sets it up in front of a large tree, which acts as a backboard to stop the iron. He also flanks the ironing board with two large tables, to prevent the iron from falling off of the sides of the board. He later adds a mini trampoline to keep the iron from bouncing off of the tree and falling off of the remaining open side of the board. Marko spends the rest of his time successfully throwing the iron from increasing distances, with David lamenting that iron throwing is not an Olympic sport, as Marko would be an excellent asset for Sweden’s team. Marko lands the iron from a distance of 11 metres and 74 centimetres, and earns first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)