
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Henrik’s museum of lies

Henrik’s museum is confined to the room of the house which contains a piano, and largely revolves around obvious lies. There are a few paintings of Babben in the room, which Henrik has covered with drawings of himself in various artistic styles. Henrik plays piano as David’s tour group enters, and it is apparent that the sheet music itself is another drawing of him. He shows the group a portrait of when he purportedly met the King of Sweden, who he claims offered him the throne, which Henrik says he’d turned down due to not having time to rule the country. He also displays a portrait of the time he miraculously breastfed two babies, after encountering a mother who was unable to feed them. Under a bell jar, he presents a replica of himself as a foetus, made out of modelling clay. Next to the bell jar is another art project, focused on Henrik’s favourite dish (from before he went vegetarian): spaghetti Bolognese. Kerstin and Lena’s comments about Henrik’s museum are not revealed, but he earns joint second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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