
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Create a self-celebrating museum

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is presented on a tiny easel in the study of the Bäst i Test house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Create a self-celebrating museum, and lead a two-minute guided tour.

Most self-celebrating museum wins.

Your museum opens in 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • David is accompanied by the same two women – Kerstin and Lena, whom he identifies as his “culture-enjoying friends” – on each tour.
  • Kerstin and Lena are ultimately the ones who award the points at the end of the task.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Henrik’s museum is confined to the room of the house which contains a piano, and largely revolves around obvious lies. There are a few paintings of Babben in the room, which Henrik has covered with drawings of himself in various artistic styles. Henrik plays piano as David’s tour group enters, and it is apparent that the sheet music itself is another drawing of him. He shows the group a portrait of when he purportedly met the King of Sweden, who he claims offered him the throne, which Henrik says he’d turned down due to not having time to rule the country. He also displays a portrait of the time he miraculously breastfed two babies, after encountering a mother who was unable to feed them. Under a bell jar, he presents a replica of himself as a foetus, made out of modelling clay. Next to the bell jar is another art project, focused on Henrik’s favourite dish (from before he went vegetarian): spaghetti Bolognese. Kerstin and Lena’s comments about Henrik’s museum are not revealed, but he earns joint second place.
  • Linnéa’s museum is confined to the room of the house which contains a pool table, and largely revolves around her time as a Bäst i Test contestant. Linnéa has plastered several photographs of herself (mostly as a young child) around the space, but has also set up a few exhibits, either on red cushions or under bell jars. There are a few portraits of Babben on the walls as part of the house’s original décor, which Linnéa has neglected to cover up. When the group enters, Linnéa directs David towards a chair in the corner of the room, and he sits down in it. A nearby sign indicates that it’s a children’s activity corner, where children can draw their own Linnéa, with the provided art supplies, while the adults tour the museum. Linnéa shows the women her duplicate task outfit that she wore for the entirety of the show, and points out the damage done to it from her fall off of the cliff (during her attempt at the ‘Make a key difficult to retrieve’ task of episode 4). Under a bell jar, she has presented some snuff, in which she apparently partakes. Next to the snuff is a pair of headphones which, when worn, will allow guests to hear Linnéa’s various bodily noises: coughing, yawning, panting, etc. On a red cushion on the pool table, she has presented some wheat stalks from “the actual combine harvester scene” (referencing Linnéa’s attempt at the ‘Render the task brief unreadable’ task in episode 7 of the season). At the end of the tour, Linnéa presents each member of the tour group with a small souvenir bag. In return, David presents the (unflattering) drawing of Linnéa that he made in the children’s corner. Kerstin and Lena rank Linnéa’s museum highly for interactivity, and she earns joint second place.
  • Marko’s museum is confined to a small sitting area of the house, and largely revolves around his career. Marko’s museum is set up like a historical house – half of the room is an area for visitors to stand in, while all of the exhibits occupy the other half of the room, behind a red rope. Marko offers hors d’ouevres to David’s group when they enter the museum. He points out his birthplace on a map of Scandinavia before showing the group a teddy bear, which he claims to be his first friend, which he has kept with him since birth. Behind the rope is a plinth displaying the contents of Marko’s first untaxed pay-check from 1998, a bell jar protecting his ‘lucky underwear’ (which he claims he has worn to every gig in his 24-year-long career without ever washing), a toilet seat (a reference to his Doctor Mugg character), and a board containing some scandalous headlines from his career (like when he was accused of using a fire extinguisher to break down doors), which he insists are not true. Kerstin and Lena’s comments about Marko’s museum are not revealed, but he earns joint second place.
  • Anne’s museum occupies the front yard outside of the house, and largely revolves around lies about her life. All three members of David’s group are blindfolded when they approach the museum. When they remove their blindfolds, they are presented with a red carpet, a glass of champagne, and Anne declaring that the museum event is actually a ‘vernissage’ (a private viewing before an exhibit opens to the general public) of a collection celebrating herself. She shows them a pair of running shoes decorated with gold earrings, and declares that she has run three marathons while wearing the shoes. A mannequin displays a white and red flower-patterned dress, which Anne says she has worn while interviewing various religious and political figures. Anne also displays how she used an oxygen tank (really a tank of helium with a small pump connected to a fez) while climbing Kilimanjaro. She instructs the group to exit through the gift shop, encouraging them to buy some of her personal items, which are clearly just the contents of her bag: some air pods, a pair of glasses, a lipstick, her ID, a handkerchief, and some spare undergarments. Kerstin and Lena rank Anne’s museum highly for atmosphere, and she earns joint first place.
  • Nikki’s museum is a guided car tour, which she names ‘Nikstar Tours’. Informing David that her time has not yet started, she gets into the car with the group, and begins driving. She immediately has issues with the car (in the studio, she clarifies that the car was a manual transmission, which she has not driven since she got her driver’s license). When Nikki posits that she should probably have a driver to help conduct the tour, one of the women immediately declares that she will be the driver. As the car slowly rolls past the Bäst i Test house (an experience which David likens to a “car safari”), Nikki points out various objects on plinths: a replica of Nikki as a baby (a baby doll with a mullet wig and a print out of Nikki’s baby photo taped into its head); her best friend in the entire world (a stuffed white cat named Freddie which Nikki insists is supposed to be yellow); and a photograph of her and her husband on their wedding day, with a replica of her bouquet. From the ending shot of Nikki’s footage, it’s clear that her museum contains at least three other plinths, but the items displayed on them are not revealed. Kerstin and Lena rank Nikki’s museum highly in terms of “wow-factor”, and she earns joint first place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)