
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Create life

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Create life.

You have 100 days.

The result will be presented in the studio.

Your time starts now.

Good luck!

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Einar put polar bread and peaches into a damp paper bag, and hung it in his garage for 100 days, to create mould. He earns fourth place.
  • Solveig interprets the task as creating a lively atmosphere (a valid interpretation of the Norwegian word used in the task brief), and so recruits the help of Bjarne Brøndbo, a singer known for a very famous song titled Her bli det liv (‘There will be life’). Some footage is shown of Bjarne performing some of this song on camera for her, with the audience joining in. Solveig earns third place.
  • Steinar brings in a napkin containing about 200 dead fruit flies, which he says he had brought to life by leaving a banana out for them to feed on. There is an argument over his submission, since the flies are now dead and, as Solveig points out, it was the banana that had created the life, and not Steinar. He tries to argue against this but gets frustrated and ends up stomping on the napkin. He ultimately earns last place.
  • Ida brings in a baby chicken which she has named Anton (after Atle Antonsen). She explains that she had bought an incubator and 90 eggs, which she had put in the incubator and turned three times a day for a week, until she could identify if any of them contained life. Some footage is shown, taken on her camera, of her overjoyed reaction after discovering that a chick was developing inside one of the eggs. She shares that baby Anton had hatched 3 days later. Atle comments on how incredible her feat is compared to Steinar’s flies, and notes how “even mould is nothing compared to this” (this coining the episode title). Ida ultimately earns second place.
  • Amir presents a series of drawings to convey his own solution to the task: one depicts a bee and a very yonic-looking flower; another depicts a penis; and another shows sperm swimming towards a love heart. The final drawing has real, positive pregnancy test attached to the centre of it, surrounded by dollar signs. He reveals that, two days after receiving the task brief, the gynaecologist had advised his wife to get started on having a baby, if they wanted another one, and so the couple had taken the assignment of the task as a sign. Unsurprisingly, he earns first place.

(Source credit: Will G)