
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Linnéa’s Bäst i Test museum

Linnéa’s museum is confined to the room of the house which contains a pool table, and largely revolves around her time as a Bäst i Test contestant. Linnéa has plastered several photographs of herself (mostly as a young child) around the space, but has also set up a few exhibits, either on red cushions or under bell jars. There are a few portraits of Babben on the walls as part of the house’s original décor, which Linnéa has neglected to cover up. When the group enters, Linnéa directs David towards a chair in the corner of the room, and he sits down in it. A nearby sign indicates that it’s a children’s activity corner, where children can draw their own Linnéa, with the provided art supplies, while the adults tour the museum. Linnéa shows the women her duplicate task outfit that she wore for the entirety of the show, and points out the damage done to it from her fall off of the cliff (during her attempt at the ‘Make a key difficult to retrieve’ task of episode 4). Under a bell jar, she has presented some snuff, in which she apparently partakes. Next to the snuff is a pair of headphones which, when worn, will allow guests to hear Linnéa’s various bodily noises: coughing, yawning, panting, etc. On a red cushion on the pool table, she has presented some wheat stalks from “the actual combine harvester scene” (referencing Linnéa’s attempt at the ‘Render the task brief unreadable’ task in episode 7 of the season). At the end of the tour, Linnéa presents each member of the tour group with a small souvenir bag. In return, David presents the (unflattering) drawing of Linnéa that he made in the children’s corner. Kerstin and Lena rank Linnéa’s museum highly for interactivity, and she earns joint second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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