
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kalle haunts the bathroom

Kalle goes out to the shed in search of props. He comes across a crown, but realises that it’s too small for his head. He also comes across some flippers that are too small for him, but reasons that perhaps that is precisely what caused his ghost character to die. In his remaining time, Kalle heads to the bathroom to apply some make-up, which includes spreading crushed lingonberries around his face, to resemble blood. For his performance, Kalle haunts the bathroom, wearing a construction helmet, ear protectors, and a pair of flippers. He holds his phone’s light below his face (the modern-day equivalent of holding a flashlight under one’s chin while telling ghost stories) and moans spookily. He tells the story of his character, Asbestos Anselmo, who – while mapping out the mansion’s asbestos content in 1719 – was apparently forced to wear flippers as protective footwear, as he'd forgotten his boots at home. Unfortunately, while climbing into the bathroom airducts, the flippers had become wedged, trapping him inside. He explains that Asbestos Anselmo had finally died of starvation after months of sustaining himself on asbestos alone, inside the duct. Kalle then closes the bathroom door, telling Pilvi to open it again after three seconds. She does so, discovering that the ghost has apparently vanished (although the flippers poking out from the side of the doorframe give a good indication of where he might be). Jaakko awards Kalle joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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