
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Become a ghost

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is taped to the outside of a window on the balcony of the mansion. The brief for the task is as follows:

Come up with a story of a ghost haunting the mansion, and then be that ghost.

You have 10 minutes.

Most impressive performance wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Pirjo ponders the task brief, wondering if the ghost should be a dead relative of the Taskmaster. Realising that her time is running out, she decides to search for props while she’s still trying to decide what to do. She finds an electric fan, and realises she can use it to create a ghostly wind. She then finds a large piece of silver fabric. She ties some of the fabric around herself as a cape, and then uses more of it to create a headdress and a moustache. She also dons some blue dish gloves, and then holds the fan close to her body, in an attempt to make the cape flutter. Pirjo declares herself to be an ancestor of the Taskmaster, who worked for TV2 (a national broadcasting channel). She says that in the 1940s, the ancestor had noticed that people were starting to watch MTV3 (the network on which Suurmestari airs, which was launched in the 1990s). This realisation apparently saddened the ancestor so much that ate too many pastries, and consequently choked to death on one of them. The says that the ancestor is particularly enraged, as his great-great-great-grandchild, Jaakko, now works on the channel that led to his demise. Jaakko awards Pirjo joint first place.
  • Kalle goes out to the shed in search of props. He comes across a crown, but realises that it’s too small for his head. He also comes across some flippers that are too small for him, but reasons that perhaps that is precisely what caused his ghost character to die. In his remaining time, Kalle heads to the bathroom to apply some make-up, which includes spreading crushed lingonberries around his face, to resemble blood. For his performance, Kalle haunts the bathroom, wearing a construction helmet, ear protectors, and a pair of flippers. He holds his phone’s light below his face (the modern-day equivalent of holding a flashlight under one’s chin while telling ghost stories) and moans spookily. He tells the story of his character, Asbestos Anselmo, who – while mapping out the mansion’s asbestos content in 1719 – was apparently forced to wear flippers as protective footwear, as he'd forgotten his boots at home. Unfortunately, while climbing into the bathroom airducts, the flippers had become wedged, trapping him inside. He explains that Asbestos Anselmo had finally died of starvation after months of sustaining himself on asbestos alone, inside the duct. Kalle then closes the bathroom door, telling Pilvi to open it again after three seconds. She does so, discovering that the ghost has apparently vanished (although the flippers poking out from the side of the doorframe give a good indication of where he might be). Jaakko awards Kalle joint first place.
  • Helmi-Leena walks out to the shed, talking aloud to herself about her ghost story. She decides that her ghost’s name is Korpo (this sounds somewhat like the word ‘kyrpa’, which is a slang word for penis, but it’s unclear if she chose it for this reason). Helmi-Leena drapes a large cut of silver fabric around her like a cape, and dons a black hat. She also holds a bicycle horn, which she honks at various points throughout her performance. She and Pilvi then re-enact a murder that took place at some point in the mansion’s past. As the story goes, Viijo Korpo (Helmi-Leena) is accidentally stabbed to death by his wife Marjatta (Pilvi), who is in the throes of a traumatic flashback, during a meal. Jaakko awards Helmi-Leena joint third place.
  • Eija searches the house and comes across what appears to be a linen closet. She pulls out a sheet and asks someone (presumably Pilvi) for help. Eija’s performance starts with her cries to be released from the shed. Pilvi – wearing angel wings, and with something tied onto her head to give the illusion of long hair – opens the shed to release Eija’s ghost, which is her wearing a white sheet over her head, and bound in chains. As Pilvi frees Eija’s ghost, Eija proclaims that 300 years ago, her husband Klaus had locked her in the shed, but now that she’s finally free, she intends to explore the world and how it’s changed. As she runs past some bins, she is apparently delighted by the “advances made in waste management technology” since her death. Jaakko awards Eija joint third place.
  • Fathi searches the shed, and tells Pilvi all about how he doesn't like ‘traditional’ ghosts, made using white sheets with holes cut in them. He instead covers his body with a large fishing net, wondering whether it gives off a spooky vibe. For his performance, Fathi leaves a task brief for Pilvi to read. This turns out to actually be a spirit-summoning passage which, when read aloud by Pilvi, causes Fathi to appear as Ahti Fahti (a mythological Viking merman king). Fathi has wrapped his upper body in silver fabric and a large fishing net, and has also donned an orange helmet and blue gloves. He walks Pilvi back to the balcony, telling her the story of Fathi the fisherman, who one day went out fishing, but got drunk, fell into his own fishing net, and began to drown. He recounts that Fathi the fisherman was miraculously saved by an unknown party, but then died eight years later due to complications from herpes. In a spooky twist, Ahti Fathi then reveals that this all took place in the ‘ancient’ year of 2005. Jaakko awards Fathi joint third place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)