
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hold the water jugs above the microwaves

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on the floor of the lab, between two small tables, each of which supports a microwave with a jug of water on top. The brief for the task is as follows:

Hold both water jugs in the air above the microwaves for as long as possible.

Best performance wins.

Your time started when you stepped into the room.

Task notes

  • Pilvi stands nearby, with a timer that is already running.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • After being warned not to open the task brief, Eija asks Pilvi what she’s supposed to do. Pilvi replies that Eija just has to trust her. Eija agrees, and simply waits. At no point does Eija seem to try to figure out what the task is, or why there are microwaves and jugs in the room. At one point, she tells Pilvi that she thinks the task is just seeing how long she can be quiet, so she’s determined to just stand and wait quietly. However, impatience eventually overcomes her, and she opens the task brief after 7 minutes and 25 seconds. Very soon after she starts holding the jugs, Eija accidentally touches one of the microwaves with one, and her time is stopped. Eija lasts for a total of 8 minutes and 10 seconds, and earns second place.
  • After being warned not to open the task brief, Pilvi tells Kalle to trust her. Kalle agrees, but immediately starts looking around the lab for clues, declaring that he just knows that there’s going to be a “never trust anyone” kind of twist to the task. After nearly a minute, Kalle asks Pilvi whether, if she were Eija Vilpas, would she still not open the task? After about four minutes, Kalle’s mindset seems to have shifted, as he believes the task simply reads “You should have trusted Pilvi.” After 10 minutes, Kalle picks up the task brief and tries to peek inside, but Pilvi declares that his doing so would be just the same as just opening it. Kalle then pours some of the water from one of the jugs over the task, possibly trying to see if it he can reveal some of the text. We are not shown the moment when Kalle actually opens the task brief - just footage of him finally holding the jugs over the microwaves, happy that a lot of time has already passed. Kalle seems to last a while, as when a jug finally touches a microwave, his arms are noticeably shaking. Kalle lasts for a total of 20 minutes and 44 seconds, and wins the task.
  • Helmi-Leena looks inside one of the microwaves – there is some sort of small item inside, but it is unclear exactly what is inside. She also sniffs the contents of one of the jugs, but says she won't drink anything. After nearly a minute passes, Helmi-Leena stops Pilvi’s timer, and Pilvi simply restarts it. After nearly three minutes, Helmi-Leena starts pouring the contents of one of the jugs around the lab (she apparently also does the same with the contents of the other jug, but this is not seen in the edit). Helmi-Leena then resets Pilvi’s timer after 4 minutes 18 seconds. Eventually, she opens the task brief. After several minutes of holding up the (now empty) jugs, Pilvi stops the timer, because Helmi-Leena was holding the jugs almost straight up above herself, meaning that they were no longer over the microwaves. Helmi-Leena technically lasts for a total of 8 minutes and 15 seconds. However, since she had reset the timer, her official time is noted as just 3 minutes and 56 seconds. Despite this shortened time still being longer than those of two of the other contestants, she for some reason earns fourth place.
  • Pirjo looks inside the microwaves and shakes the water jugs while she waits. After 2 minutes and 15 seconds, Pirjo opens the task brief. She talks with Pilvi while holding the jugs, and says that she finds it annoying knowing that someone will have just waited around for 15 minutes. Pirjo then accidentally leans a bit too far to one side, and one of the jugs just barely touches a microwave, ending her attempt. Pirjo lasts for a total of 3 minutes and 36 seconds but, despite having the second-shortest time, she earns third place.
  • Despite Pilvi’s warning, Fathi immediately opens the task brief. As soon as he picks up the jugs, he becomes confused, and tries to pull the task brief closer to himself with his foot. However, while doing this, the jugs touch the microwaves, and his time is stopped. Fathi’s confusion apparently stems from the exact wording of the task, leading him to wonder if he has to hold them by their handles. Fathi lasts for just 31 seconds, and earns last place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • As Jaakko says the scores are based on time, Pirjo and Helmi-Leena’s scores for the task should be swapped, with Pirjo earning 2 points, and Helmi-Leena earning 3.
  • This was either a mistake that was never caught, or there was some justification for the switch that was not included in the aired edit of the episode.