Hold the milk bottles above the microwaves

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is laid on a timer on the floor of the lab. The brief for the task is as follows:
Within 30 seconds of opening this task, you must pick up both milk bottles and hold them directly above the microwaves.
The clock stops when a milk bottle, hand, or arm touches a microwave, or is no longer directly above the microwave.
Lowest number on the clock wins, but if the clock reaches zero, you're disqualified.
Task notes
- The task takes place in the lab, where two six-pint bottles of milk stand on top of two microwaves, each of which is atop a plinth.
- Both microwaves are running, with one set to about a minute and containing a bowl of bread, and the other set to five minutes and containing a bowl of frozen peas.
- In the corner of the room, there is a large cooking pot.
- A timer on the floor starts counting down from 30 minutes.
- As the contestants pick up the task brief, Alex advises them not to open it yet.
- He then starts asking them questions, including: "What's your name?", "What's your star sign?", "Place of birth?", "How high can you jump? (Or what's the highest you've ever jumped?)", "Who's your favourite singer?", "Phobias?", "Biggest regret?", "Have you been to Greece?", and "Any opinions on milk?".
Official task video
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Dara immediately opened the task but got confused about what he had to do, putting the milk straight back down whilst claiming "Wait, what?". He stopped the clock at 26 minutes and 55 seconds.
- Fern was initially confused by Alex's questions and, once she opened the task, she struggled to keep the milk up due to a shoulder injury. She stopped the clock at 26 minutes and 4 seconds.
- John was initially confused by Alex's questions, especially one regarding regrets, but managed to delay opening the task the second longest, before keeping the milk bottles up for a good chunk of time. He stopped the clock at 23 minutes and 30 seconds.
- Munya immediately opened the task, but kept the milk above the microwaves for over 4 minutes. He stopped the clock at 25 minutes and 4 seconds.
- Sarah delayed opening the task the most, and then emptied the milk bottles all over the floor to reduce their weight so she could hold them up for longer. She stopped the clock at 16 minutes and 58 seconds.
(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)