
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hold the milk bottles above the microwaves

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Lift the milk and hold it in the air above its respective microwave.

The person that holds the milk in the air for the longest time wins.

Your time started when David said 'hi'.

Your time ends when you put the milk down.

Lift the milk now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in a large open field near the Bäst i Test house.
  • The contestants arrive at the edge of the field and have quite a walk to reach David, who is stood next to two microwaves supported on plinths.
  • On top of each plinth, there is a plastic bottle of milk.
  • David waves at the contestants when they enter the field, sneakily starting his stopwatch as he does so.
  • It’s not clear from the edit, but David does tell each contestant that they will get no points if they don’t open the task.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • While Linnéa debates whether or not to open the task brief, she asks David if he can open it for her instead. David confirms that he is able to open the task brief, but that his recommendation would be that she does not ask him to do so. She then asks if she can open the microwaves, but doesn’t seem to question why there are pasta dishes in both of them. She lasts for 4 minutes and 57 seconds, and earns third place.
  • Henrik asks what else David would recommend Henrik not do, were he Henrik. He suggests that David would probably immediately shave off his beard. While holding the milk, Henrik remarks on how the situation reminds him of when he broke his collarbone, but any explanation as to why this is the case is delivered off-camera. Henrik lasts for 6 minutes and 7 seconds, and earns second place.
  • While Amie debates whether or not to open the task brief, she asks David if he can open it for her instead. David confirms that he is able to open the task brief, but that his recommendation would be that she does not ask him to do so. It seems that of all the contestants, Amie is the one who actually held the milk up for the longest. She lasts for 7 minutes and 44 seconds, and earns first place.
  • Marko paces around in front of the microwaves for a bit, before opening them to see what’s inside. He opens the task brief earlier than the others, which David gleefully taunts him about. Marko lasts for just 2 minutes and 50 seconds, and earns fourth place.
  • Nikki and David banter back and forth about whether or not she should open the task brief. She picks it up and places it back on the microwave several times while debating whether or not to open it. David informs her that she will receive no points if she does not open the task brief, but still recommends that she does not open it. Every time Nikki decides to open it, David quickly talks her out of it just by reiterating that he doesn’t recommend doing so. After 8 minutes, Nikki makes her final decision not to open the task brief, and walks away, muttering that she’s likely just been tricked. She is therefore disqualified from the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • The points in this task were counted in the totals for episode 5 of the season, but the task was shown in the bonus episode.